
The slider you see on this website is the Free Edition of another cool product JSN EasySlider from JoomlaShine. Please click on the below button to check the PRO Edition of this extension.

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JSN EasySlider is the cutting-edge way of presenting content on the web with the “Three-I” standard: Impressive - Informative - Interactive.

  • Impressive to catch and maintain attention
  • Informative to convey message effectively
  • Interactive to drive engagement with specific Call-To-Actions

It allows you to synthesize dynamic content types: text, video & images and leverage the strength of stunning effects for effective information conveyance. Besides superpower for content presentation, it also has a uniquely outstanding feature: super user-friendly interface. With Drag-n-drop functionality, WYSIWYG Editor, Timeline editor and live preview, no lines of code are required to get a stunning slider.

Here after is the slider created by the FREE Edition of JSN EasySlider:

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Allcomponents also are used in the administrator area of your website. In addition to the ones listed here, there are components in the administrator that do not have direct front end displays, but do help shape your site. The most important ones for most users are

  • Media Manager
  • Extensions Manager
  • Menu Manager
  • Global Configuration
  • Banners
  • Redirect

Media Manager

The media manager component lets you upload and insert images into content throughout your site. Optionally, you can enable the flash uploader which will allow you to to upload multiple images. Help

Extensions Manager

The extensions manager lets you install, update, uninstall and manage all of your extensions. The extensions manager has been extensively redesigned for Joomla! 1.6, although the core install and uninstall functionality remains the same as in Joomla 1.5. Help

Menu Manager

The menu manager lets you create the menus you see displayed on your site. It also allows you to assign modules and template styles to specific menu links. Help

Global Configuration

The global configuration is where the site administrator configures things such as whether search engine friendly urls are enabled, the site meta data (descriptive text used by search engines an indexers) and other functions. For many beginning users simply leaving the settings on default is a good way to begin, although when your site is ready for the public you will want to change the meta data to match its content. Help


The banners component provides a simple way to display a rotating image in a module and, if you wish to have advertising, a way to track the number of times an image is viewed and clicked. Help


The redirect component is used to manage broken links that produce Page Not Found (404) errors. If enabled it will allow you to redirect broken links to specific pages. It can also be used to manage migration related URL changes.Help

This module displays a list of categories from one parent category.Help

This module shows a list of the calendar months containing archived articles. After you have changed the status of an article to archived, this list will be automatically generated.Help

This module allows you to display the articles in a specific category. Help


Component ImageComponents are larger extensions that produce the major content for your site. Each component has one or more "views" that control how content is displayed.In the Joomla! administrator there are additional extensions suce as Menus, Redirection, and the extension managers.

Media ImageModules are small blocks of content that can be displayed in positions on a web page. The menus on this site are displayed in modules. The core of Joomla! includes 17 separate modules ranging from login to search to random images. Each module has a name that starts mod_ but when it displays it has a title. In the descriptions in this section, the titles are the same as the names.

Media ImageTemplates give your site its look and feel. They determine layout, colors, type faces, graphics and other aspects of design that make your site unique. Your installation of Joomla comes prepackaged with four templates. Help

Plugin ImagePlugins are small task oriented extensions that enhance the Joomla! framework. Some are associated with particular extensions and others, such as editors, are used across all of Joomla!. Most beginning users do not need to change any of the plugins that install with Joomla!. Help

Unsere Leistungen

Wir beraten Sie gerne bei Ihren Bauvorhaben, ob bei einer Sanierung, Renovierung, Restauration, Modernisierung, Um- oder Neubau. Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst alle Arbeiten im Innen- und Außenbereich, sowie verschiedenste Lösungen und Umsetzungen aus den Bereichen Stuck, Putz, Trocken- und Gewölbebau, Säulen und Kapitelle und diverse Lasur- und Spachtel-Techniken.


Altbausanierung und Haus Modernisierung

Regelmäßig sanieren und modernisieren wir Alt- und Bestandsbauten unterschiedlichster Epochen. Im Außenbereich sanieren wir Fassaden jeder Art unter Anwendung alter wie auch moderner Techniken. Im Innenbereich nehmen wir im Trockenbau jede gewünschte Raumaufteilung vor. Ebenso setzen wir Wände und Decken oder Stilelemente wie Stuckdecken und Gesimse instand. Innenputzarbeiten führen wir auch unter beengten oder schwierigen Bedingungen aus.


Fassaden und Stuckarbeiten

Mit unseren erfahren Fachkräften restaurieren wir Fassaden aus Naturstein, Klinker und Kunststein. Wir wechseln angegriffene Materialien aus und übernehmen auch bildhauerische Arbeiten. Ob klassische oder historische Mauerwerksergänzungen, Neuherstellungen und Sanierungen. Wir beraten, entwickeln Konzepte und verwirklichen diese nach Ihren Wünschen. Es gibt die unterschiedlichsten Möglichkeiten, Fassaden vor Umwelteinflüssen zu schützen. Dazu ist eine umfassende Ist-Analyse erforderlich. In Abstimmung mit Planern und Denkmalpflegern werden entsprechende Sanierungskonzepte erstellt. Diese reichen von der Steinverfestigung über die Hydrophobierung, bis zum Aufbringen von diversen Graffitischutz Systemen.



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